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The Power of Clear Quartz Crystal: An Introduction to Its Healing Properties
Clear Quartz is renowned for its ability to amplify the properties of other stones, earning it the title of "master healer". With its powerful energy and potential, Clear Quartz is truly a force to be reckoned with in the world of crystals.
The Benefits of Teaching Reiki to Children: Nurturing Mind, Body, and Spirit
By learning Reiki, children can develop their natural abilities to connect with and channel healing energy. This can help them feel more empowered, confident, and connected to their own innate wisdom.
What is Holy Fire Reiki
Holy Fire Reiki was introduced by William Rand in January 2014. It creates wholeness through purification, empowerment, healing, and guidance. It is a new form of energy that is more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness.
Auralite 23
Auralite 23 is an incredible stone to work with. It has high vibrational energy but also helps to stay grounded within our bodies. It works well with all chakras to bring balance and harmony but has a strong connection to the crown and third eye chakra.
Friday the 13th’s connection to Divine Feminine Energy
Did you know before patriarchal times, Friday the 13th was considered the day to celebrate feminine energy? It was considered a day to honour the Divine Feminine, the goddess that lives in us all and to honour the cycles of creation, death and rebirth.
Celebrate Your Soul
Celebrating your soul starts with tuning in and listening. What brings you joy? In what moments do you truly feel like yourself? What creates a spark in you? This joy or spark often changes as we get older or experience different things.
12 Ways to Raise Your Vibration
Have you heard people say you need to keep your vibration high or raise your vibration? But you have no idea what that means? That was me a few years ago. People would tell me to make sure my vibration was high and honestly, I didn’t know what they were talking about.
Beginners Guide to Oracle Cards
Oracle cards can also be called divination cards. An oracle deck is a collection of cards that provide guidance and insight into our lives. Oracle cards assist in developing your intuition.
Chakra Introduction
The word chakra is Sanskrit and means wheel, which refers to the shape and movement of each chakra. Chakras are cone-shaped spinning vortexes of energy. Chakras are all about energy; they manage the energy. The energy in the chakras moves both upwards and downwards throughout your body.
10 Crystals for Beginners
Most people who know me or have come to my home know I love crystals. I have crystals in almost every room in my home and even some outside of my house, as well. When I first started my love affair with crystals. I didn’t understand that each crystal has its own unique energy and property.
Personal Energy Protection Tools and Tips
If you are going through a lot of stress or change then it is even more important to protect and ground your energy. Stressful events take more of your energy. Also if you know you’re going to be around people who are negative or cause stress ground and protect yourself before you go and see them.
Safeguarding the energy of your home
Every day we are surrounded by both positive and negative energies. Most people know or have heard about protecting their personal energy. What sometimes gets forgotten is to cleanse and protect the energy of the home and also the workspace.