Chakra Introduction

Woman in sunshine

As a Reiki healer, I work with chakras all the time. During every session with a client, I check the status of the seven main chakras. This is what usually guides my healing sessions. It dictates which crystals I use and where I place the crystals on or around my client. 

So what exactly are chakras?

The word chakra is Sanskrit and means wheel, which refers to the shape and movement of each chakra. Chakras are cone-shaped spinning vortexes of energy. Chakras are all about energy; they manage the energy. The energy in the chakras moves both upwards and downwards throughout your body. 

There are seven main chakras and several minor chakras. Each chakra has a distinct influence on our feelings, thoughts and behaviours. The seven main chakras are located at seven different points along your spine. 

Chakra alignment

The bottom three chakras represent the physical world, and the upper three chakras connect to the spiritual world. The heart chakra is considered the bridge for both the lower and the upper chakras.

In a minute, I will be giving an overview of each of the seven chakras. We want each chakra to be open and spinning at the same speed, in the same direction, and to be approximately the same size, meaning the chakra is balanced. 

When our chakras are balanced, we feel happy, healthy, calm, and centred. If our chakras are out of balance, we might feel unhappy, stuck, tired and may develop physical illnesses. When our chakras become unbalanced, energy blocks occur, making it difficult for our energy to flow freely through each chakra. 

For each chakra, I will discuss the main purpose, what the symptoms of a balanced chakra would look like, the symptoms when the chakra is not in balance and a few ways to heal or balance each chakra. 


The 1st Chakra: The Root Chakra

Root chakra

Colour: Red

The root chakra is found at the base of your spine. Its primary drive is on safety, stability and survival. Meaning our basic needs are being met, and we have a sense of belonging in this world. 

Balanced Root Chakra

  • Feeling safe and secure 

  • Connected

  • A feeling of being at home with yourself and your past

  • Trusting

  • Feeling Supported

  • Being comfortable in your body

  • Feeling grounded

  • Ability to be still.

Unbalanced Root Chakra

  • Low energy

  • Worried about basic needs being met (money, food and shelter)

  • Angry

  • Insecure

  • Easily annoyed

  • Feeling alone and unsupported

  • Controlling

How to Balance Your Root Chakra

  • Ground yourself

  • Wear the colour red

  • Walk outside, barefoot if possible

  • Stay focused on the present

  • Garden

  • Eat root vegetables

  • Spend time in nature

  • Crystals (Red Jasper, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, and Black Tourmaline)

  • Affirmations

Affirmations for the root chakra

  • I am safe

  • My needs are always met

  • I am grounded

  • I love my body and trust it’s wisdom

  • I am always provided for

The 2nd Chakra: The Sacral Chakra

Sacral chakra

Colour: Orange

The sacral chakra is between your pubic bone and navel, approximately 2 to 3 inches below your belly button. This chakra is associated with sexuality, creativity, pleasure, relationships and emotional stability.

Balanced Sacral Chakra

  • Ability to embrace change

  • Healthy boundaries

  • Sexual satisfaction

  • Energetic

  • Creative

  • Healthy self-esteem

  • Passionate

  • Emotional stability

Unbalanced Sacral Chakra

  • Jealousy

  • Guilt

  • Poor boundaries

  • Instability

  • Avoidance of pleasure

  • Extremely emotional

  • Fear of expressing oneself

  • Fertility issues

  • Addictive behaviours and tendencies (food, gambling, drugs, alcohol, sex, work)

How to Balance Your Sacral Chakra

  • Try something new

  • Pamper yourself

  • Increase your self-care

  • Wear the colour orange

  • Eat more orange coloured food

  • Do something spontaneous

  • Make time for sexual pleasure

  • Crystals (Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Amber) 

  • Affirmations

Affirmations for the Sacral Chakra

  • I am creative

  • I embrace and celebrate my sexuality

  • I am in touch with my feelings

  • I easily allow pleasure into my life

  • I am a sensual and creative being

The 3rd Chakra: The Solar Plexus

Solar Plexus Chakra

Colour: Yellow

This chakra is in your upper abdomen, where your diaphragm sits. The Solar Plexus Chakra is referred to as the power chakra. It is connected to your personal power, self-esteem, confidence, self-discipline, independence, and personal identity.

Balance Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Strong sense of identity

  • Thinks clearly and logically

  • Compassionate

  • Confident

  • Positive

  • Hopeful

  • Assertive

  • Reliable

  • Good self-discipline

  • Able to take risks

Unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Negative

  • Low self-esteem

  • Manipulative

  • Feels powerless

  • Controlling

  • Arrogant

  • Stubborn

  • Passive

  • Weak-willed

  • Blaming

  • Competitive

  • Lacking clear direction or purpose

How to Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Cut ties with toxic people or at least limit contact with them

  • Get out in the sun more

  • Wear the colour yellow

  • Do breathing exercises

  • Work on goal setting

  • Try using the word “no” more

  • Do a solar plexus guided meditation

  • Try something new

  • Eat yellow foods

  • Crystals (Citrine, Golden or Honey Calcite, Tigers Eye)

  • Affirmation

Affirmations for the Solar Plexus Chakra

  • I am strong and courageous

  • I am at peace with myself

  • I stand in my power

  • I am confident in all that I do 

  • I allow myself to shine

The 4th Chakra: The Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra

Colour: Green and also pink

This chakra is in the middle of your chest. The heart chakra is associated with compassion, love, relationships to self and others, forgiveness, and empathy.

Balanced Heart Chakra

  • Compassionate

  • Acceptance

  • Empathetic

  • Sense of internal balance and peace

  • Joyful

  • Grateful

Unbalanced Heart Chakra

  • Jealous or envious

  • Bitter

  • Feeling rejected

  • Lonely

  • Fear of intimacy

  • People pleasing

  • Poor boundaries

  • Hold grudge

  • Lack of compassion

  • Withdrawn and avoiding social situations

  • Self-centred

How to Balance the Heart Chakra

  • Practice Gratitude

  • Give yourself permission to feel

  • Do a forgiveness ritual

  • Eat more green food

  • Do one kind thing every day

  • Wear green

  • Laugh

  • Hug more

  • Crystals (Green Aventurine, Malachite, Amazonite, Rose Quartz, Kunzite, Peridot)

  • Affirmations

Affirmations for the Heart Chakra

  • I am worthy of love

  • I love myself and others fearlessly

  • I am open to love and kindness

  • I forgive myself and others

  • I let go of fear, worry, anger and guilt

The 5th Chakra: The Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra

Colour: Blue

This chakra is in the centre of your neck. It is associated with communication, self-expression, and authenticity.

Balanced Throat Chakra

  • Clear communication with others

  • Able to express oneself

  • Good listener

  • Speaks with confidence and truth

Unbalanced Throat Chakra

  • Fear of being judged or rejected

  • Resentful

  • Talking to much

  • Fear of speaking

  • Speaking to loudly

  • Struggle to verbalize your thoughts

  • Feeling anxious in conversation

  • Over opinionated

How to Balance Your Throat Chakra

  • Use mantras or chants

  • Journal your thoughts

  • Sing

  • Laugh more

  • Wear blue

  • Practice assertiveness

  • Crystals (Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Kyanite, Angelite, Apatite)

  • Affirmations

Affirmations for the Throat Chakra

  • I express myself with clarity and confidence

  • I speak my truth clearly

  • I am honest about who I am

  • I listen with interest

  • I am calm, confident and well-spoken

The 6th Chakra: The Third Eye Chakra

Third eye Chakra

Colour: Indigo

This chakra is found between the eyebrows. The sixth chakra is responsible for how you perceive the world. It is associated with your intuition, imagination, self-awareness, and psychic ability.

Balanced Third Eye Chakra

  • Strong intuition

  • Good memory

  • Focused

  • Ability to differentiate truth from fiction

  • Creative imagination

  • Ability to visualize

Unbalanced Third Eye Chakra

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Lack of imagination

  • Insensitivity

  • Excessive skepticism

  • Denial

  • Often caught up on the small details and unable to see the big picture

  • Spend a significant amount of time daydreaming

  • Inability to self reflect

  • Sees life as black-and-white

  • Delusions

  • Feeling spacey

  • Nightmares

How to Balance the Third Eye Chakra

  • Get plenty of sleep

  • Create a sleep routine

  • Practice mindfulness

  • Keep a dream journal

  • Wear the colour indigo

  • Do a guided meditation

  • Crystals (Amethyst, Tanzanite, Sodalite, Fluorite) 

  • Affirmations

Affirmations for the Third Eye Chakra

  • I always honour and follow my intuition

  • I am wise, intuitive and connected with my inner guide

  • It is safe for me to see the truth

  • I am connected to the divine

  • All I need is within me

The 7th Chakra: The Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra

Colour: Violet

This chakra is located at the top of your head. The crown chakra is our connection to the universe. It is associated with our spirituality, enlightenment and interconnection. 

Balanced Crown Chakra

  • Feeling empowered

  • Spiritual connection

  • Living in the present

  • Open-mindedness

  • Sense of purpose and belonging

  • Wisdom

  • Trust in oneself and the flow of life

Unbalanced Crown Chakra

  • Narrow-minded

  • A constant state of frustration and or confusion

  • Over intellectualization

  • Spiritual cynicism

  • Apathy

  • Inability to go with the flow

  • Living in your head

How to Balance the Crown Chakra

  • Practice meditation

  • Go out in nature more

  • Be open to guidance

  • Reiki healing

  • Wear the colour violet

  • Crystals (Quartz, Selenite, Danburite, Charoite, Sugilite) 

  • Affirmations

Affirmations for the Crown Chakra

  • I am divinely guided and inspired

  • I am infinite and boundless

  • I am a being of light and love

  • I am grateful for all the goodness in my life

  • I am peaceful, whole and balanced


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