12 Ways to Raise Your Vibration
Have you heard people say you need to keep your vibration high or raise your vibration? But you have no idea what that means? That was me a few years ago. People would tell me to make sure my vibration was high and honestly, I didn’t know what they were talking about.
What does vibration mean?
Vibration describes your overall state of being. Vibration is also referred to as Universal life energy. Einstein taught us that everything in the universe is made of energy. Therefore every person, place and thing has a vibration. All this energy is vibrating at different frequencies.
This also means that every thought, belief and emotion has an energetic vibration.
Have you ever walked into a room or place and immediately felt something? Did you get a good vibe like this is a happy place and I want to spend time here? Or did you get a bad vibe and feel like you don’t want to be here or just feel uncomfortable in the space. You were picking up on the energetic vibration of the room.
Vibrations occur on a scale from low to high.
Disempowering thoughts, negative emotions, poor health, lacking spiritual connection, feeling anxious, anger, fear, jealousy, or hatred, feeling stuck
Empowering thoughts, positive emotions, good health and strong spiritual connections, feeling love, sympathy, confident, grateful, sense of flow in life
If you want to know where your energetic vibration is, pay attention to how you feel? Do you feel light, energized, focussed, positive and healthy? Or are you feeling stressed, heavy, fatigued, or fearful?
You have the power to shift your vibration!
The law at attraction says “like attracts like”. Meaning the energetic vibration we have is a mirror for what we attract.
Energy attracts energy
We can not be high vibe all the time! We are human and life comes with many ups and downs.
There is a lot of scientific information out there if you want to explore energy and its breakdown. I’ve only, in this post, scratched the surface on the topic of vibrations and energy.
If you are noticing your vibration is low and would like to shift it to high, here are 12 quick ways to raise your vibration.
12 Ways to Raise Your Vibration
Even just 10 minutes of mediation can create positive changes in your life.
Practice Gratitude
Studies have shown that being grateful increases your overall well-being. Gratitude is also one of the quickest ways to shift your vibration.
Get Moving
This can include going for a walk, yoga, swimming, or running. Personally, I am a huge fan of solo dance parties.
Drink Water
Water helps to remove toxins from your body and helps your energy flow.
Include High Vibrational Food in your Diet
These include fruits and vegetables. Try to eat less processed or packaged food.
Connect with Nature
Not only is being in nature great to help ground your energy but it also raises your vibration.
Salt Baths
20 minutes in a salt bath helps cleanse your aura, soothes your physical body and helps release toxins in your body.
Declutter and Organize your Space
Get rid of items that you no longer use or no longer fit you. Reduce the clutter in your home or workspace.
Reiki is a healing practice that shifts and moves any energy blocks from your body. It produces a calming effect for the client, reduces stress and promotes a positive sense of well-being.
Listening to music you love makes you happy, reduces stress and also shifts your vibration. Binaural beats are another way to raise your vibration.
Do a Social Media Detox
Does your social media newsfeed make you happy and energized or do you feel anxious or insecure? Spend time daily offline.
Spend Time with Positive People
Do the people you spend time with make you feel uplifted, empowered, or drained, angry and depressed? Spend time with people who support you and lift you up.
Bonus: Smoke cleansing not only shifts your energetic vibration but also the energy of your space.
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