Beginners Guide to Oracle Cards
I love oracle cards and own a lot of decks! Some I use every day, others I use only for myself and some I use for client readings. The deck I choose can depend on my mood, the type of insight I am looking for and which one I’m drawn to that day.
I own 2 Tarot decks but honestly, I never use them. Oracle cards have an openness that I am fond of compared to the structure and rules of the Tarot.
The decks I use more often are always within reach in their special place. The decks I do not use often are on a bookshelf where they can still be seen and appreciated. I will be chatting more about where to store your decks later in this post.
What are Oracle Cards
Oracle cards can also be called divination cards. An oracle deck is a collection of cards that provide guidance and insight into our lives. Oracle cards assist in developing your intuition.
Each card contains an illustration. These illustrations can be of animals, angels, fairies, crystals, mythological creatures, sacred geometry, gods/goddesses and or abstract. Oracle cards usually have a keyword or phrase and some cards will also have an affirmation or a sentence about the meaning of the card.
Oracle Cards Versus Tarot Cards
Both decks provide insight, clarity, personal growth, perspective and divination. Tarot decks have 78 cards and follow a specific structure (major and minor arcana). Oracle cards can have any number of cards and do not follow any structure.
Tarot cards have more rules to follow, whereas oracle decks are more free-flowing. The card meanings in Tarot are the same/similar no matter which tarot deck you use.
Some believe Tarot provides a more detailed sense of what is going on in the situation, whereas oracle cards provide a big picture approach. Oracle cards have a reputation as being more inspiring and self-reflective than the “in your face” nature of tarot cards.
Tarot cards can be intimidating because of the need to memorize and understand each card. Oracle cards, because they work with your intuition, the card meaning is personal and can be open to interpretation.
Oracle decks come with a guidebook and can be referenced to help understand the meaning of the card but, because you are working on your intuition, the guidebook meaning is not set in stone. Often it is recommended to first look at the cards and get your interpretation of them before you go to the guidebook. A lot of the time your intuition and the meaning in the book are similar.
Neither deck is better than the other. Both can provide guidance and wisdom.
How to Find Your Oracle Deck
Most new age stores carry both Tarot and Oracle cards. Some bookstores also have these decks. When you are looking at the decks on the shelf, pay attention, does one seem to jump out to you? Do you keep going back to one deck? Look at the art, do you like the style?
Pick it up, use your intuition, ask if this is your deck. You will know if that deck is the one that will be working with you. I’ve heard from some people that a deck has fallen off the shelf at their feet. Clearly, that deck was meant for them! 😃
You can also find oracle cards online. The process is similar to in-person, except you can not hold them. As you are scrolling, is there a deck that stands out? Use your intuition and ask if this is your deck. You can also use a pendulum if you have one.
Sometimes when you are scrolling on social media, you come across a picture of a deck and you know in your gut that deck is for you.
Always pay attention to your intuition.
What do you do when you have a new deck?
Once you have your oracle deck it is very important to connect with it and clear the energy.
There are a few different ways to connect to your deck. The method I use is:
Open up your new deck and cleanse each card with sage smoke. A lot of hands have touched your deck. It’s important to clear out all that energy so you can put your energy into your cards.
After the cards are clear, look at each card. What detail do you see, what is written on the card? Before you place it back down, hold the card over your heart chakra for a moment. Do this with each card.
Now take all the cards and hold them over your heart chakra. Set your intention or prayer for the cards. You can say, “The messages I receive from this deck are full of divine information for myself, loved ones and clients. I ask that my angels be with me as I work with this deck and that they help me receive the messages clearly with love and without fear or doubt. Thank you thank you thank you and so it is”.
Now you are ready to use your deck.
There are many different card spreads you can use. Most guidebooks detail a few different ones.
No matter which card spread you do, make sure your question is open-ended and clear. As you shuffle your cards, say out loud or in your head your question. Keep shuffling until you feel you are done.
Once you are ready, pull your card. It does not matter where in the deck you pick your card. Some people take the first card off the top of the pile, you can split the deck and take that card, or you can spread them all out and pick the one that feels right.
You will always get the card you are meant to have because of the energetic pull of the card.
Once you choose your card, look at it and sit with it. Listen to your intuition. What does the card mean? What words, colours, images stand out to you? Did any feelings or thoughts come to the surface for you? Then you can go to the guide book for clarification if you need it.
Use your cards as often as you can. The more you use them, the more you infuse your energy into the deck and the better they will work with you.
Creating a ritual before you start using your oracle cards is one way to let the universe know you are seeking guidance.
A simple ritual is:
Ground your energy
Take 3 deep breaths
Light a candle or incense
Set your intention or say a prayer
Hold the deck in your left hand and knock on it once with your right hand
Then you are ready to shuffle the deck.
It’s important to keep the energy of your oracle deck high. You can do this by cleansing it when the energy feels stagnant and when someone else touches your deck.
Some methods to cleanse your deck are:
Sage smoke
Singing bowls
Full moon
You can also keep a crystal with the deck to keep the deck energized.
Storing Your Deck
Oracle cards are a sacred tool and need to be respected. You should keep them in a special place. This can be on your altar or a spot on your bookshelf/ shelf where you keep other spiritual tools, like crystals and sage. Oracle cards want to be seen and appreciated, not hidden.
Oracles cards are a wonderful tool to get insight and guidance on different areas of your life. There are so many different styles of oracle cards out there. And remember choosing your deck is a personal choice. Just because someone you know loves a particular deck, does not mean that it is the deck for you. Always use your intuition.
Remember to use your deck often and treat them with respect
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