10 Crystals for Beginners

Clear Quart points

Most people who know me or have come to my home know I love crystals. I have crystals in almost every room in my home and even some outside of my house, as well. When I first started my love affair with crystals. I didn’t understand that each crystal has its own unique energy and property. For example, some are wonderful to have in the bedroom, but others will make it challenging to sleep. 

The first time I walked into a crystal store, I was utterly overwhelmed. Most people tell you to let the crystal choose you, which I agree with. However, if you felt anything like I did, it’s nice to have some guidance and direction. I created a top 10 crystal list that not only beginners should have but really everyone! 

10 Must Have Crystals

Amethyst crystal

1) Amethyst

  • Excellent stone to have in your bedroom as it helps to ward off nightmares and also helps you to remember your dreams

  • Guards against psychic attack

  • This stone helps to relax the mind and promote patience and acceptance

  • Amethyst has been known to help with migraine headaches

  • An excellent crystal to connect to your guides and angels

  • This stone enhances meditation 

  • Amethyst increases your spiritual awareness, intuition and improves your psychic abilities

Tourmaline crystal

2) Black Tourmaline

  • Excellent grounding and protection stone

  • This stone deflects negative energy from yourself and your surroundings

  • This is an excellent crystal to have with you anytime you work in spiritual practice

  • A great stone to have to help you when you are feeling scattered or out of balance

  • This stone can clear the aura, remove energy blocks and balance the chakras

  • Helps with negative thoughts, anxiety, anger, stress and or worrying

  • Wear this stone as jewellery or in your pocket to help when dealing with negative encounters

  • You can also have the stone in your bedroom for protection while you sleep 

  • I have a piece of Black Tourmaline by my front door, in my kids’ bedroom and I’ve also gridded my home with it

Carnelian crystal

3) Carnelian

  • This stone carries the vibration of creativity and can help you with new projects and ideas 

  • A great stone to help with all of your creative outlets

  • This is a stone of action and moving forward

  • Carnelian can assist in fertility whether in getting pregnant or manifesting ideas

  • Excellent stone for restoring vitality

  • A stone of abundance

  • Powerful stone to help build confidence, courage, passion and power

  • Excellent stone to help with procrastination

  • A great stone to have in your workplace, your pocket or jewellery

Celestite crystal

4) Celestite

  • A stone that assists in communicating with angels and past love ones

  • Helps calm your mind and bring mental focus

  • This stone is excellent for creating peace and harmony to your emotions

  • An excellent stone to help with grief 

  • Excellent stone to help to speak in front of others 

  • A powerful stone that elevates and expands your awareness and spiritual development

  • Excellent stone to have in your bedroom to help you remember your dreams

  • Celestite has a very gentle calm energy

Citrine crystal

5) Citrine

  • Good for mental clarity, self-confidence and joy

  • An excellent stone to help with feelings of unworthiness and depression

  • Known as the merchants stone, it can attract abundance

  • This is a good stone to keep in your wallet or wherever you keep your money

  • It absorbs, transmutes and grounds negative energy 

  • It is also a protecting stone 

  • Promotes inner calm and helps you move more with the flow and feeling more balanced emotionally

  • Provides clarity of thought enhancing creativity and assist with will power and manifesting

  • It carries a happy optimistic and playful energy

Clear Quartz crystal

6) Clear Quartz

  • Also known as the master healer stone

  • Use this stone for all spiritual pursuits such as meditation, energy work, connecting with your guides and angels, channelling and all spiritual healing modalities

  • This stone is programmable, meaning you can program it to hold your intention

  • It can clean and balance the chakras

  • Clear Quartz enhances metaphysical abilities

  • This stone assists in concentration and memory recall

  • It is believed to increase spiritual wisdom and insight

  • Clear Quartz amplifies the energy of any other stone which makes it excellent for wands and gridding

  • It is essential to clear the energy of this crystal often

Hematite crystal

7) Hematite

  • Removes scattered energy from your aura and repel negative thoughts

  • Excellent calming stone and grounding stone

  • Helps Face the shadow side of your personality

  • This is an excellent stone for empaths as it assists in removing excess energy and separating your energy from that of those around you

  • It can balance the aura field and the chakras

  • This is an excellent manifestation stone

  • It provides strength courage and fortitude

  • It strengthens your aura while deflecting negative energy

Rose Quartz crystal

8) Rose Quartz

  • This is a stone of unconditional love and emotional healing

  • It opens your heart to all forms of love 

  • Use this stone when you need to be comforted and surrounded by unconditional love

  • This is a good stone for grief

  • An excellent stone for healing the heart

  • A good stone to have in your bedroom to bring the energy of love

  • It carries an energy of self-love, acceptance and forgiveness

  • Excellent stone to have in your home as it fills your space with the energy of love for everyone who lives there

  • Rose quartz is known to lower stress, bring happiness and to soothe your soul

  • At work, it can help you have more positive interactions, helps release worry, fear, anxiety and past emotional trauma

Smokey Quartz crystal

9) Smokey Quartz

  • A grounding, protecting and clearing stone

  • Helps you feel safe

  • Excellent stone to clear your mind and help you feel less scattered or spacey

  • This stone can help let go of old wounds

  • This stone can help you overcome negative emotions such as stress, jealousy, anger, depression and fear


10) Tigers Eye

  • This stone aids with mental clarity

  • It is a protective stone

  • It assists you in achieving your goals

  • An excellence stone to use when you need to negotiate or make big decisions

  • Considered a stone of prosperity and good luck

  • Helps overcome fatigue

  • Increases self-discipline and personal power

Selenite crystal

Bonus Crystal


  • Fast and effective stone to cleanse the aura, clear stagnant energy from the body

  • Helps you connect and communicate with your spirit guides and angels

  • Brings a sense of deep peace and tranquillity

  • Cleanses and charges other crystals

  • Selenite can assist you with sleep

  • Place a large piece of Selenite in your home to help create a peaceful environment

  • You can also grid the four corners of your home as it will protect from negativity

  • I have Selenite in our bedroom windows as well as on most of the windows on my main floor. Just remember wherever you put Selenite it cannot get wet it will deteriorate

  • I also use selenite lamps throughout my home as well


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