Personal Energy Protection Tools and Tips
Some people are very passionate about this topic, while others do not believe it is necessary. I believe it’s important for everyone to have an understanding of protection and how to use it. I also strongly believe that you do whatever feels right for you. There are several different ways to protect your energy. I will be addressing the ones I use or the ones that people I personally know use. You do not need to do everything I will be discussing! Pick one that feels right for you.
The energy protection I am talking about is for healers and empaths.
Empaths feel and absorb other people’s emotions and physical ailments. An empath can sense subtle energy and can absorb it from other people in the environment. This leads to energetically internalizing the feelings and pain of others. An empath can walk into a room and feel the energy. If there was a disagreement in that space, the energy lingers there. An empath, in this situation, would feel that something was off, or the air felt thick and uncomfortable. Being an empath can make it difficult to figure out if the emotions and discomfort you are feeling are yours or someone else’s. Spending time with negative people leaves us feeling depleted and exhausted while they leave the conversation feeling energized.
By protecting yourself you create less drama in your life. You also won’t feel so emotional or moody.
Grounding is so important and an important part of being energetically protected. I wrote a post on grounding that you can read here.
If you are going through a lot of stress or change then it is even more important to protect and ground your energy. Stressful events take more of your energy. Also if you know you’re going to be around people who are negative or cause stress ground and protect yourself before you go and see them.
Shielding is imagining a cloak, bubble, or armour surrounding your entire body and aura. Some people feel that if you surround yourself in this shield then you are not only blocking out the negative but also the positive. What you can do is imagine a hole at the top and bottom of the shield and have an intention that this is used to allow positive energy in and negative energy to exit. You can say something like, “I allow only good to come into my bubble and any negative will be sent to mother earth. I do not allow any outside negative energy to enter my bubble!”
Some people surround themselves in mirrors. The mirrors are facing outward so all negative energy bounces back to the person.
React- less. Practice pausing before responding to someone. This makes it harder for someone’s energy to have any effect on you. You stop engaging in the negative energy exchange.
Boundaries are really important. You are allowed to say ‘NO’.
Intentions are very powerful. You can say, “What’s mine is mine, what’s yours is yours.” Or simply say, “I am protected.”
Raise your vibration. You can do this by dancing, singing, eating raw food, meditating, salt baths, get creative, be kind and practice gratitude.
Use essential oils like Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Lemon, Sage, Frankincense, and Geranium are just a few that can be used for energy protection. *With essential oils please use them safely, do not ingest them or put them directly on your skin undiluted*.
Ask Archangel Michael to protect you. You would ask him for protection and then visualize him surrounding you in light (blue or white light).
Carry crystals with you or wear jewelry made with crystals. A few crystals that help protect your energy are Black Tourmaline, Black Onyx, Smokey Quartz, Amethyst, Obsidian, Tigers Eye and Fluorite. Remember to cleanse your crystals regularly. I will be writing a post on how to cleanse your crystals soon.
Life gets busy and I forget to protect my energy every time I go out. When I am out sometimes I start to feel off, anxious for no reason or just not right. That usually tells me I need to clear and protect my energy.
Cutting cords. If you know the person who has a cord into your energy you can imagine that person in front of you. Then cut that cord. You can cut cords by imagining scissors, knife, sword, anything that works for you. You can either visualize this or you can use your own arms and physically cut the space in front of you. If you do not know who has a cord into your energy you can still do this. I usually say while I am cutting the cords, “I sever all cords that are not for my highest good. All negative cords are now cut.” Also, some people, instead of cutting a cord, visualize it as an extension cord between you and the person. So they “unplug” the cord. You can also ask Archangel Michael to cut all cords as well. I also like to visualize pink light filling the space where the cord was. I fill the space in myself and send the pink light to the other person as well.
Shower Cleanse. While you are taking a shower visualize that the water is cleansing your aura and your energy body. Have the intention that the water is removing all unwanted energy from you.
Acknowledge it is not yours. When you feel unwanted energy, this may feel like sudden anxiety or anger, you can say, “This is not mine. Return to Sender” (3 times).
Sage. Burn sage or use sage sprays and cleanse your aura and your energy body. Dragon’s blood is also a very powerful protection. I will sometimes burn Dragon’s Blood incense when I feel I need stronger protection.
Shields up. When you are around someone, in a group or even when you enter a space, and you start to feel the energy getting negative you can say and visualize, “Shields up!” This can be, as I mentioned at the beginning of this post, a bubble, a shield, a cloak, whatever feels right to you.
Kashyapa Mudra. This mudra creates a seal against negative energy. Hold this when you are in a situation that is stressful or negative. Hold this mudra for as long as you need it and say, “I am protected and safe.”
Clearing Exercise
Sit with your feet flat on the floor
Breathe deeply, in through your nose, out through your mouth (4 breaths)
Focus your energy on your heart chakra
On your next inhale imagine a beam of sunlight coming through the top of your head and filling your entire body and aura with healing light
On your exhale, breathe out any toxins, negative energy, anything that no longer serves your highest good
Visualize your body filling with healing light and all the negative energy is being sent to mother earth where she will transform it
These are some of the ways you can protect your energy. Now that you know how to protect your personal energy don’t forget about protecting your space. You can read the blog post I wrote on how to safeguard the energy of your home here.
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