Soul Healing Sessions

Reiki, Crystal Healing and Intuitive Guidance Sessions

Welcome to Soul Healing Sessions, a transformative experience designed to nurture your mind, body, and spirit. Each session involves blending the healing powers of Reiki, the vibrational energy of crystals, and intuitive guidance from your spiritual team. A Soul Healing Session is more than a treatment; it's a sacred space where you can release, recharge, and rediscover your inner balance.

Each session begins with a discussion of what you would like to work on—whether it's a specific issue, energy clearing, or an energy tune-up. Then, the healing journey unfolds. You may find yourself holding crystals in your hands or having them gently placed on your body as I channel Reiki healing energy. Throughout the process, intuitive messages and guidance flow from your spirit team, creating a personalized and profound experience.

For distance sessions, the process is just as powerful. Prior to your session, you'll fill out a form indicating your focus. At the scheduled time, find a quiet space, relax, and allow the healing energy to flow while I work on my end. Following the 45-minute healing session, we'll connect through your chosen method (email, phone, or Zoom). During this post-session connection, I'll share insights into how the session flowed on my end, details about any crystals used, and provide any messages and guidance that came through. Sessions, whether in-person or at a distance, are 60 minutes of dedicated healing for your well-being.

After a soul healing session, clients often report:

  • Feeling more balanced and grounded

  • Reduction in stress and anxiety

  • Improved sleep

  • Increased connection to their intuition and self

  • Enhanced relationships with their loved ones

  • Reduced pain and discomfort in their body

  • A feeling of overall calm and rejuvenation

Kind Words

  • I got the pleasure of having my first Reiki session with Sam. Without telling her much about my past, she moved so much stuck energy including a 38 year old cord that was tying me down. I left my session with so much less anxiety, and I can honestly say that Sam changed my life. I look forward to more sessions with Sam!-


  • Wow. I’ve been seeing Sam for a year or so now and to say she sees me is an understatement. Just left a session and I feel amazing! Sam just moved 8 months of “gunk” and I feel like the best version of me. I’d highly recommend Sam to anyone looking to reconnect and ground- bringing my daughter next. Thank you Sam!


  • My Reiki session with Sam was exactly what I needed. Sam was able to see and hear what I could not for myself. Her messages were clear and validation was received. I highly recommend both Sam’s Akashic and Reiki sessions. You will meet an amazing soul who is truly in tune and here to support you


Dive Deeper with my Special Offering

Soul Healing Package - 4 Sessions

Ready to take your healing journey to the next level? The Soul Healing Package is designed to give you a deeper experience. It starts with a 90-Minute Initial Session where we’ll chat about your goals and intentions before diving into Reiki healing. Next, you’ll enjoy 2 follow-up 60-Minute Reiki Sessions. For your fourth session, you can choose an extra Reiki Session or an Akashic Records Reading for even more insights.

Package Details:

  • Sessions must be booked within 6 months of your first session.

  • Total Package Value: $540

  • Price: $450

I’m excited to support you on this transformative journey!

Know someone who would love a Soul Healing session? Purchase a gift certificate for them so they can experience their own transformative session.

I have witnessed clients shift and release outdated energy and beliefs that held them back. I am in awe of the strength, resilience, and love that clients hold within themselves. Soul Healing sessions are transformative. Reiki found me when I was feeling lost and disconnected. It helped me find my joy, my purpose, and, most of all, it helped me come back home to myself. At the heart of my practice is a commitment to guide you on your unique journey. Together, we'll build a nurturing and safe haven for transformation, empowering you to embrace the radiant healer within.

Check out our FAQ page, offering additional information on how to prepare for your session, what you might experience, and guidance on what to do after your session.

Discover the transformative power of Reiki, a centuries-old Japanese healing technique founded on the concept of channeling universal life energy. Reiki operates on the principle that this energy, when harnessed by a practitioner, can promote balance and well-being throughout the body, mind, and spirit. Beyond relaxation, Reiki is known to support the body's natural healing processes, enhance mental clarity, and contribute to emotional well-being. Incorporating Reiki into your healing journey offers a holistic approach to overall wellness. Incorporating Reiki into your healing journey offers a holistic approach to overall wellness. To discover more about what Reiki is and the benefits it holds for you and children, click here.

Understanding Reiki