Smoke Cleansing
Smudging is a sacred and powerful cleansing technique used in spiritual ceremonies. It has been practiced by Native Americans for centuries. Smudging is part of a ritual or ceremony to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energy. The smudge stick usually consists of a selection of herbs, most common being sage.
It is believed that the smoke attaches itself to negative energy and as the smoke clears it takes the negative energy with it where it will be transmuted into positive energy.
The most common herb used in smoke cleansing is white sage. Other herbs or herb combinations can also be used. Different plants and herbs have specific properties and benefits when included in your smoke cleanse. Palo Santo smoke can also cleanse the energy of your space.
In order to smoke cleanse, you need to have: dried herbs or a herb bundle, matches, a fireproof container (such as an Abalone shell), and a bowl of sand to extinguish the herb bundle.
Before you begin, make sure you have time to do this (10-15 minutes) uninterrupted. Open the windows and curtains. Opening the windows provides a place for the negative energy and smoke to escape your home.
You can also ask your spirit team (guides, angels, deceased loved ones) to help you cleanse your space. Light the dried herbs and then gently blow out the flame until it turns to smoke and ember.
It is important to first cleanse yourself before you start to cleanse your space. Be present and have an intention while you cleanse yourself. You can say out loud or in your head, “Into this smoke I release all negative energy and all energy that does not serve my highest good. And so it is.”
Start first by guiding the smoke, either with your hand or a feather, over your body. You can start at your feet and move up your body or start at your head and move down. Do whatever feels right for you. Visualize the smoke clearing your body, mind and spirit of any negative or stagnant energy. When you are done, move to the front door.
The intention for cleansing your space is similar to the one used for yourself. Say out loud or silently, “I cleanse this space of all negative energy. Only energy that is of light and love and in the highest good of all who live here is invited in. And do it is”
At the front door, move clockwise around your home. Gently moving the smoke into the space, spending more time in the corners of the room as stagnant energy can accumulate there. Do not forget to cleanse laundry rooms, garages, and basements. Open the closet doors and carefully cleanse inside. Move the smoke over the edge of each window and door as you continue to move with the flow of your home. Pay attention to areas where you intuitively feel needs more attention.
Once you are back at the front door, open the door and ask your spirit team to fill and seal your space with love and light. Visualize your home being sealed and surrounded with love and light. Then you can extinguish your herbs, express gratitude to your spirit team and close the door.
After an argument
After negative people have been in your home
Whenever you are feeling stressed or anxious
After being sick
When you feel that the energy feels off or stagnant.
Smoke cleansing your home should be done at least a few times a year.
I created a FREE pdf that walks you through this clearing process. You can grab it here!
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