The Blog
How to Create a Sacred Space in Your Home
In the midst of life’s chaos, a sacred space at home can be your personal oasis of calm. It doesn’t need to be grand—just a cozy corner where you can meditate, journal, or simply take a breather.
Make it yours with crystals, candles, and comfy seating. Set a ritual to transform it into your sanctuary, and use it daily for meditation, reflection, and gratitude.
Safeguarding the energy of your home
Every day we are surrounded by both positive and negative energies. Most people know or have heard about protecting their personal energy. What sometimes gets forgotten is to cleanse and protect the energy of the home and also the workspace.
Smoke Cleansing
Smudging is a sacred and powerful cleansing technique used in spiritual ceremonies. It has been practiced by Native Americans for centuries. Smudging is part of a ritual or ceremony to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energy. The smudge stick usually consists of a selection of herbs, most common being sage.