Full Moon Ritual
Do you ever feel like your emotions are out of control during a full moon? Your pets and children act differently whenever there is a full moon?
The full moon is an incredibly powerful and energetically charged phase of the lunar cycle. When the moon is at its brightest and fullest, its energy can be felt by all living beings on Earth. It's believed by many that the full moon can have a profound effect on our emotions, health, and overall well-being. The full moon intensifies emotions and mental processing. Whatever is happening in your mind, body and spirit will be amplified. If you are feeling sad, you will feel sadder or if you are feeling happy, you will feel happier.
The full moon brings our emotions to the surface, making it a powerful time to release. It's a perfect time to let go of things that no longer serve us, like toxic relationships or anything that's hindering our growth. Trust the process and release anything that doesn't align with your journey.
Many people use the full moon as a time to set intentions, perform rituals, or engage in other forms of spiritual practice. Whether you are looking to release negative energy, manifest abundance, or simply connect with the natural world, the energy of the full moon can be a valuable tool in your journey towards personal growth and transformation.
It is a time to shift and refocus on what brings you joy, what lights you up and makes your heart happy.
It is also a powerful time for gratitude. Gratitude for what you have and what you will receive.
Create your sacred space. This space can be outside or inside, just as long as it is somewhere quiet where you will be uninterrupted. Make this space your space by lighting candles, playing soft music, place a few crystals around or any other item that you feel belongs in this space.
Clear your energy. You can do this by burning sage or use a sage spray.
Be present. Bring your attention to your breath. Notice how your body feels as you breathe.
Declare it. Write down on paper what you want to release. What your intention is for this full moon. Be specific. At the end of this section I will provide a few examples of how you could start your statement.
Sign and date your paper.
Breathe deep into your heart and say, “I now let go of (whatever you wrote down to release). And so it is.”
Burn your paper and watch the smoke release your intentions to the universe. *Always burn your paper is a safe manner*
End with gratitude. Thank the universe for taking care of your intention.
If you need a few suggestions on how to start your intentions, you can use these.
I release,
That which is not mine
Relationships that no longer serve my highest good
All obstacles in my path
Limiting beliefs
Fear and doubt
All that is no longer in alignment with my highest good
I now release what no longer positively serves me and I am open to receive all for my highest good. And so it is.
If you're interested in getting your hands on my complimentary printable full moon ritual guide, complete with some thought-provoking journal prompts, just click on this link and it's all yours. Enjoy!
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