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Seasonal Energy Samantha Kirouac Seasonal Energy Samantha Kirouac

What October's Thinning Veil Means for You

October is a magical month when the veil between our world and the spirit realm thins, offering a unique opportunity to connect with our ancestors and deepen our spiritual practices. Join me as we explore the significance of this time, and discover simple ways to embrace the energy of the thinning veil, from journaling and meditation to using divination tools.

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Energy healing Samantha Kirouac Energy healing Samantha Kirouac

Chakra Introduction

The word chakra is Sanskrit and means wheel, which refers to the shape and movement of each chakra. Chakras are cone-shaped spinning vortexes of energy. Chakras are all about energy; they manage the energy. The energy in the chakras moves both upwards and downwards throughout your body.

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