What is Reiki

Reiki, pronounced “Ray-Key”, is an energy healing technique that originated in Japan. This powerful healing practice sends universal energy, or life force energy to where it is needed to help clear and balance the chakras and energy body. 

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Reiki is a safe, gentle, nonintrusive healing technique. Its primary goal is to bring balance, harmony, and healing to the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. With its focus on promoting relaxation and a sense of wholeness, Reiki encourages self-awareness and spiritual growth, leading to an overall sense of well-being.

During a Reiki session, the practitioner will gently place their hands on or near your body in a sequence of positions. You'll be fully clothed and either lying on a massage table or sitting in a chair. The beauty of Reiki is that it affects your whole being - body, mind and spirit - while helping you relax deeply and feel great. And, it also helps your body heal itself more effectively and efficiently.

Reiki Principles

Just for Today,

I will not be angry

I will not worry

I will be grateful

I will work with honesty and integrity

I will be kind to all living things

Reiki is a healing process that anyone can benefit from. It should not be seen as a cure for such conditions and neither as a religion or belief system. As a natural form of healing, Reiki can support and enhance other forms of treatment, including conventional medical treatments as well as alternative or complementary therapies.

Kind Words

Children and Reiki

Reiki is a safe and gentle healing method and can be very beneficial for children. Reiki treatments given to children are very similar to those given to adults. However, children's sessions are much shorter than adults. Children tend to have clear energy fields allowing Reiki energy to move through quicker. Children do not have years of stored energetic blockages that slow the flow of reiki energy.

Common Childhood Concerns That Can be Addressed With Reiki

  • Illness or injury

  • Overwhelming emotions such as temper tantrums, nightmares and phobia

  • Transitions or change

  • Bedtimes

  • Meal time

Benefits Children Experience after Reiki

  • Improved concentration

  • Enhanced relaxation

  • Calming (decrease in excitability)

  • Enhances self awareness and self esteem

  • Increase clarity and focus

  • Promotes balance through grounding and centering

  • May help to manage hyperactivity and self regulation

  • May calm anxieties, fears, and phobias

  • Decrease in depression

  • Decrease in stress

  • Encourages self awareness

  • Pain relief

Crystal Reiki

Crystals have been used throughout  history as a source of healing power. Ancient cultures have used healing crystals and stones to balance, clear and transform their energy, spirit and physical health.

In crystal reiki, crystals are used with reiki energy to release negative energy, tension and energy blocks. This helps the client create a balance and heal the mind, body and spirit. Every crystal has a unique attribute and healing energy. 

The specific metaphysical healing properties of the crystals are combined with reiki energy. Every practitioner is slightly different in how they perform a healing session. The crystals that are used in the session correspond with the clients needs. Crystal may be placed on specific energy points on the client, around the client and or under the table.

Crystal Reiki Principles

Today I honor and have gratitude for all

Today I trust and worry not

Today I feel peace and not anger

Today I live in honesty

Today I embody kindness and respect for all creatures

Are you currently on a journey towards healing and feel like Reiki might just be the missing piece? Allow me to offer my support and guidance in this transformative process.