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Personal Energy Protection Tools and Tips
If you are going through a lot of stress or change then it is even more important to protect and ground your energy. Stressful events take more of your energy. Also if you know you’re going to be around people who are negative or cause stress ground and protect yourself before you go and see them.
Safeguarding the energy of your home
Every day we are surrounded by both positive and negative energies. Most people know or have heard about protecting their personal energy. What sometimes gets forgotten is to cleanse and protect the energy of the home and also the workspace.
Full Moon Ritual
Do you ever feel like your emotions are out of control during a full moon? Your pets and children act differently whenever there is a full moon? One reason is, the full moon intensifies emotions and mental processing. Whatever is happening in your mind, body and spirit will be amplified. If you are feeling sad, you will feel sadder or if you are feeling happy, you will feel happier.