Sacred Seasonal Gatherings

Pause, Connect, and Embrace Your Journey

Hey Beautiful Souls,

Welcome to the Sacred Seasonal Gatherings—a magical space created just for women to honour the flow of the seasons, embrace the woo-y, and dive deep into soul-level healing. Each gathering is designed to align with the unique energy of the season, offering a blend of Akashic clearing, intuitive insights, and heartfelt connection.

What to Expect

Seasonal Energy Insights: We’ll kick off each gathering by exploring the current season’s energy and how it influences our lives. Discover the unique opportunities and challenges this season brings, and learn how to align your intentions with the natural rhythm of the earth.

Intention Setting: With the season’s energy in mind, we’ll set powerful personal and collective intentions. This practice helps ground your desires and aligns your actions with the flow of the season, setting the stage for transformation and growth.

Akashic Records Clearing & Healing: Dive into a guided session of Akashic Records clearing and healing. Release any energetic blocks or patterns that no longer serve you, and invite in clarity, renewal, and profound transformation.

Embrace the Woo-Y: These gatherings are all about celebrating the mystical and embracing the woo-y. Share your experiences, connect with other like-minded women, and enjoy a space where the magical and the everyday come together in a supportive and uplifting community.

When I first started my woo-y journey, I craved community—like-minded souls to connect with, share stories, and dive deep into all the woo-y goodness together. That desire for connection is still what drives me today. I wanted to create a space where women could come as they are, no matter where they are on their journey, and just be real—sharing the highs, the lows, the fears, and the wins.

Over the years, I've had the privilege of having so many amazing, heartfelt conversations with my clients, and those moments of connection are pure gold. I wanted to take that magic and bring it into a group setting, where we can all learn from each other, support each other, and grow together. There’s something truly powerful about gathering with other women, and that’s why I created the Sacred Seasonal Gatherings. I would love for you to join us!


When: Gatherings will be held around the beginning of each season.

Where: We’ll gather at my home, a comfy and welcoming space that’s perfect for our meetups.

Cost: $25 per gathering

Time: 7pm until approximately 9pm

Limited Spaces: To keep our circle intimate and meaningful, spaces are limited. Reserve your spot to join this transformative experience.

Upcoming date

October 4th, 2024 at 7pm

Sacred Seasonal Gatherings are more than just a gathering; they're a return to the simple joy of connecting, reflecting, and sharing stories. It’s where the sacred meets the everyday.