Connecting with Your Spirit Guides 

A 4-Week Transformative Journey

Are you ready to deepen your spiritual connection and discover profound guidance and support from your personal team of spirit guides? Through a practical, nurturing, and empowering journey, this course is designed for anyone eager to explore the realm of spirit guides and develop a deeper understanding of their roles in their lives.

Who Is This For?

Spiritual Seekers eager to deepen their spiritual journey and establish stronger connections with their spirit guides.

Healing Practitioners such as Reiki masters, energy healers, therapists, and holistic coaches, looking to integrate spiritual insights and intuitive practices into their healing work.

The Woo Curious those who are new to spirit guides and excited to explore this profound and transformative journey of spiritual connection.

What You'll Take Away

By the end of this journey, you'll:

  • Gain a deep understanding of the types of spirit guides available to support you.

  • Develop a strong connection with your personal team of guides, feeling their presence and guidance in your daily life.

  • Learn practical tools and techniques to connect with, strengthen your bond, and receive guidance from your spirit guides.

  • Feel empowered and confident in trusting the messages and guidance you receive, helping you navigate life's challenges with clarity and purpose.

  • Join a supportive community of like-hearted individuals on a similar spiritual journey, where you can freely share experiences, insights, and support each other's growth.

What Students Are Saying

  • "You have an amazing teaching style. Great visual materials and I loved how open you were to sharing your own experiences. Your expertise and guidance was captivating, especially with the practical examples you provided us."

  • “I loved the information you provided and also the guided meditation. I plan to use this often and I’m sure that each experience in meditation would be so different. You did a great job putting that together.”

  • “I really enjoyed the class. I felt like it opened up so many doors on many levels that I can build upon.”

  • “ I'm so incredibly grateful to have taken this class from Sam.  Her style of teaching is all about connections and creating an environment of safety and security to both share and explore these new sides of ourselves.   Anyone contemplating signing up should just take that leap of faith.   You won't regret it.”

Course Preview

Week 1: Understanding Spirit Guides and Ancestral Connections

Dive into the roles of spirit guides and connect with ancestral guides through guided meditation.

Week 2: Methods of Communication and the Angelic Realm

Explore effective communication techniques with your guides and connect with the angelic realm.

Week 3: Building a Relationship with Your Spirit Team and Animal Spirit Guides

Foster relationships with your spirit team and discover the significance of animal spirit guides.

Week 4: Overcoming Obstacles and Connecting with Ascended Masters

Address doubts, overcome obstacles, and connect with ascended masters for spiritual guidance.

Program Details

Start Date: November 7h at 12:00 pm (Mountain Time)

Format: Weekly 90-minute Zoom calls, every Thursday for 4 weeks.

Price: $476

Special Limited-Time Offer

Don't miss out on the early bird special! Sign up by October 1st and get 20% off. That's just $380.00 for the entire course!

What You'll Get

Weekly guides to support your learning journey each step of the way.

Recorded sessions available in case you miss a live class.

Access to all course materials and session recordings for a full year, so you can revisit and deepen your understanding at your own pace.

A note from me

I love talking about and working with spirit guides! When I first started exploring my intuitive side, I felt a bit lost and frustrated trying to understand spirit guides. I just couldn't quite grasp who they were or how to connect with them. But as I kept at it with one of my guides, I began to see how they communicated with me. This breakthrough opened the door to connecting with even more guides.

Now, I have my own little ritual to call in my spiritual team, and they never fail to send me signs that they're right there, guiding my steps. This course is my way of sharing the insights I've gained. It's for anyone like me who wants to unlock the secrets of spirit guides and learn to connect deeply with their own. Working with my guides has been a game-changer in living authentically and confidently. As I strengthened my bond with them, I discovered how to trust their guidance, align with my true path, and make decisions that resonate with my authentic self. They continue to support me in staying grounded and confident as I navigate life's twists and turns.

I'm beyond excited to share this journey with you and help you uncover the magic of your own incredible guides.

Program Details

Start Date: November 7th at 12:00 pm (Mountain time)

Format: Weekly 90-minute Zoom calls, every Thursday for 4 weeks.

Price: $476

Special Limited-Time Offer

Don't miss out on the early bird special! Sign up by October 1st and get 20% off. That's just $380 for the entire course!

What You'll Get

Weekly guides to support your learning journey each step of the way.

Recorded sessions available in case you miss a live class.

Access to all course materials and session recordings for a full year, so you can revisit and deepen your understanding at your own pace.

Spaces are limited, so secure your spot today!