The Blog

Samantha Kirouac Samantha Kirouac

Understanding the Lions Gate Portal

Have you ever felt an energetic shift around early August? You might be tuning into the Lions Gate Portal, a powerful cosmic event that offers an incredible boost for our spiritual growth. The Lions Gate Portal is a significant astrological event occurring between July 26 and August 12, peaking on August 8. It aligns the Sun in Leo with the rising star Sirius, creating a powerful energetic portal for spiritual transformation. During this time, you can expect heightened intuition, increased vibrations, and deeper connections to higher realms. Embrace this cosmic energy to manifest your dreams and elevate your consciousness.

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Moon Magic Samantha Kirouac Moon Magic Samantha Kirouac

The Meaning of the New Moon

The new moon symbolizes new beginnings, fresh starts, renewal and reflection. The new moon provides an opportunity to connect deeper with our own intuition. A time to reflect and align ourselves with our soul’s purpose.

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