Which Clair Is Your Strongest?

We all have intuition, but it does not show up the same way for everyone. Some people see images in their mind, others hear messages, feel energy, or just know things without being able to explain why. These are known as the four main intuitive senses, or “clairs”: Clairvoyance (clear seeing), Clairaudience (clear hearing), Clairsentience (clear feeling), and Claircognizance (clear knowing).

It is not uncommon to tune into more than one clair, and many people have more than one that feels strong for them. This quiz will help you discover which clair is naturally strongest for you right now. Answer the questions honestly, without overthinking, and trust your first instinct. Your results will give you insight into how your intuition speaks to you and how you can strengthen your connection to it.

When you take the quiz, you’ll also be added to my Soul Healing Community newsletter, where I share intuitive insights, energy tips, and exclusive offerings to support your journey.

Ready to find out your strongest clair? Let’s begin!